Blood Presure Facts
What Can High Blood Pressure Do?
If not controlled, high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to a stroke, heart failure, kidney failure or heart attack.
What is High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is based on the amount of resistance from your arteries to the amount of blood pumped by your heart. To simplify, larger amounts of blood with narrower arteries equals greater blood pressure.
What Can I Do?
You can begin by controlling your diet. You will ideally be consuming fruits and vegetables, fat-reduced dairy foods, grains and potassium-rich foods. Eliminate salt-laden foods and foods heavy in fat. Restrict alcohol -- for women no more than one drink each day, two per day maximum for men. Research your ideal weight and adhere to it. Engage in regular physical activity. See your doctor regularly and follow his advice.
What about Medications?
If you are taking medication, don't run out. Not even one dose should be missed. Manage prescriptions wisely.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
A blood pressure reading of 120/80 is normal and 140/90 or above is high. Readings between 120 and 139 systolic (top) or between 80 and 89 for diastolic (bottom) show prehypertension.