The Best Ways to Instantly Lower Blood Pressure
Relax and Reduce Stress
A variety of relaxation techniques can be done to ease the mind and body of tension and stress. Meditation is an example. Sit quietly in a room for ten minutes and clear your mind of the tasks at hand or worries of the day. Imagine your stresses floating away from you. Close your eyes and focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Think of nothing else but the slow rhythm of each breath coming into your body and then leaving it. Clinical trials show that slow breathing alone can reduce your high blood pressure drastically. Studies published in the Journal of Human Hypertension suggest that slow breathing (ten breaths per minute with extended exhalations) can reduce your systolic number by up to 36 points and your diastolic number by up to 20 points. In the clinical trial, 82 percent of participants had positive results by practicing this slow breathing technique, even patients that are most resistant to treatment for hypertension.
Relaxing and tranquil images are also effective in lowering blood pressure. Photos of nature, sunsets, scenery and other images can instantly help to relax the mind and lower blood pressure within minutes. Concentrate on the photo for a few minutes and relax as your high blood pressure measurement melts away. Research done by the producers of the "Sunset Relaxation Video" claim that watching natural sights and sounds can reduce blood pressure by 15 to 50 points.
Calm and soothing music is also effective in lowering blood pressure. Choose music with a slow and easy tempo. It may also be beneficial to try the slow breathing technique mentioned above as you listen to the relaxing music. This technique can be done almost anywhere, whether you are at work, at home or sitting in your car in traffic. Practicing any of the above techniques at least once a day or any time you feel stressed can be an essential and vital tool for lowering your blood pressure.