How to Take Your Blood Pressure at Home

Measuring your own blood pressure at home is very easy to do and will provide you and your doctor much valuable information. In order to get accurate blood pressure readings it is essential to check you blood pressure properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Blood pressure machine
  • Small notebook
  • Chair
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    • 1

      Purchase a blood pressure monitor from your local drug store or online retailer. Some insurance companies will reimburse this purchase so make sure you check with your insurance to see if there is a specific blood pressure machine they will cover. Purchase one that is battery run and does not require the use of a stethoscope.

    • 2

      Measure your blood pressure at least 3 times a week. You want to pick the same time of day to do it so that you get consistent readings.

    • 3

      Start by sitting in a chair with you hands and forearms on the arms of the chair. Make sure your back is flat against the chair and your feet are both flat on the floor. Before checking your blood pressure, sit in this position for 2-5 minutes.

    • 4

      Place the blood pressure cuff around your arm 1 to 1 1/2 inches above your elbow. There is usually a line on the cuff that you have to place towards the front of your arm. Also make sure the cuff is not to large or to small and fits properly on your arm. If it is loose and can slide off or if it is tight enough to turn your fingers blue, it is not the right size and will give you false blood pressure readings.

    • 5

      Press the start button on your blood pressure machine and the cuff will begin to inflate. This may be uncomfortable for a moment but won't last long. Sit still while the machine measures your blood pressure.

    • 6

      When the machine is finished measuring your blood pressure, write the number down in your notebook. There is no point in taking your blood pressure at home if you do not write down the exact number for your doctor to review.

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      After writing your blood pressure down make sure the machine is turned off and the cuff is cleaned before putting the machine away. If you take care of your blood pressure machine it will last for many years.

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