Natural Cures for Low Blood Pressure
Epsom Salt Baths
Taking a warm bath with 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt added to the bathwater is one of the simplest methods of treatment. It is also one of the most cost-effective treatments, because Epsom salt is readily available in most pharmacies and is fairly inexpensive. Epsom salt works for raising low blood pressure because the salt raises individuals' magnesium and sulfate levels. Magnesium has many important functions, including regulating important enzymes. The Epsom salt should be added to the water as the tub is filling up so that the salt has a chance to completely dissolve. It is recommended to sit in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes in order for the bath to be effective.
Treatment With Nutrients
Adjusting intake of certain nutrients can also be beneficial for raising blood pressure. All vitamins in the Vitamin B group, along with protein and Vitamin C can help to raise blood pressure. In addition to raising blood pressure, they can also be used to prevent low blood pressure. Individuals interested in raising blood pressure should make sure to get all of their daily allowances of these particular nutrients and vitamins.
Dietary Changes
According to Ayurvedic medicine, dietary changes can be beneficial for raising low blood pressure. There are several different things that you can do to your diet in order to raise low blood pressure. One dietary change is the fruit diet, which lasts for five days and consists of eating nothing but fresh fruit in three meals throughout the day each day and going no more than five hours between meals.
The National Institutes of Health sponsored research showed that eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables mixed with low-fat or fat-free milk was beneficial in raising low blood pressure. Because of this school of thought, the fruit and milk diet is the second dietary choice for raising low blood pressure. This diet lasts between two and three weeks and afterward, the individual may gradually add seeds, nuts and grains back into the diet. In some cases, it is necessary for an individual to follow the fruit and milk diet for two to three months in order for the diet to be effective. Always consult your healthcare provider before embarking on a new diet, especially one lasting more than a few days. It is important that you get medical clearance from your doctor to ensure the dietary changes you plan to embark on are safe and healthy for your individual situation. A good diet to consider is the DASH diet, which is a controlled diet consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables with limited quantities of proteins and meats.