Foods That Control Hypertension
Due to the high levels of blood pressure-lowering potassium contained in them, bananas are one of the best food to eat to control hypertension.
Spinach also contains a fair amount of potassium and can help to reduce blood pressure when eaten regularly. Shoot for at least a 1/2-cup serving daily.
Soluble Fiber
By reducing insulin resistance that causes high blood pressure to develop, most fruits and legumes, which are full of soluble fiber, are a good way to control hypertension if consumed on a daily basis as part of a healthy diet.
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber found in most vegetables helps to inhibit weight gain, a leading risk factor for hypertension. One 4-ounce glass of pure vegetable juice, 1/2 cup cooked or raw veggies or 1 cup of salad is recommended for daily consumption to control hypertension.
Decaf Coffee
Because caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise by increasing the effects of stress, it's best to avoid it as much as possible in the quest to control hypertension. Switch to decaf instead.
Spices and Herbs
Too much salt can cause increases in blood pressure, so season your food with spices and herbs instead.