How to Control Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Reduce salt intake. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, most Americans consume more salt than they need. Although current recommendations suggest consuming no more than one teaspoon of table salt each day, people with high blood pressure should consume even less. You can restrict dietary sodium by eating fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned; cutting back on convenience, processed and instant foods that are high in sodium; and choosing low sodium or no salt added varieties.
Increase physical activity. Information provided online by the Mayo Clinic shows that exercise can lower systolic blood pressure by five to ten mm HG, thereby improving heart health. Just 15 to 30 minutes of exercise three times each week is beneficial to both the heart and lungs. Walking, bicycling, stationary cycling, swimming, water exercise, running in place, and working out on fitness equipment, such as an elliptical trainer, are low impact aerobic exercises generally safe for seniors.
Lose weight and follow a low fat diet. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption. Drink no more than one alcoholic drink a day if you are a woman. A man should have no more than two drinks each day. However, alcohol can significantly raise blood pressure in some individuals. If this is the case for you, avoid drinking any alcohol.
Quit smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels causing your heart to beat faster, temporarily raising blood pressure.
Relax. Stress and anxiety can raise blood pressure. Even though stress has not been directly linked to causing high blood pressure over time, many of the lifestyle behaviors in which people indulge when they feel stressed have been shown to elevate blood pressure. Drinking alcohol, unhealthy eating habits leading to weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle due to depression, and not getting enough sleep can each contribute to a rise in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Try breathing slowly and deeply to relax, get more sleep, and practice yoga techniques like basic stretches and poses.