How to Get Rid of Lightheadedness
Have your blood pressure checked. Very low blood pressure, or hypotension, is a common cause of lightheadedness, and should be addressed immediately by your doctor. Taking blood pressure medications and adding more salt to your diet will help you get rid of low blood pressure.
Raise your blood sugar. Blood sugar can be maintained by eating regularly, but it is common for people to skip meals for reasons like trying to lose weight, fasting or just not making time in their day for a meal break. By simply adding a sugary treat like candy or chocolate to your day, you can combat low blood sugar and lightheadedness.
Get your blood checked for possible anemia. One of the major side effects of anemia is lightheadedness, and this could be the cause of your symptoms. Anemia can usually be countered by taking daily iron supplements to raise your blood count. You may also notice your symptoms of spinning and dizziness disappear while taking iron supplements.
Hydrate your body. Dehydration can cause lightheadedness because the body is coping with lower amounts of water, which is needed to help power important organs like the heart and brain. As dehydration increases, lightheadedness can become more pronounced and lead to fainting. If you are experiencing sudden lightheadedness, drink plenty of water and rest until it subsides.