What Is White Coat Hypertension?
Going to the doctor is an anxiety-inducing experience for many people. For some, the anxiety manifests itself in a condition known as white coat hypertension (with a white coat symbolizing the traditional garb of physicians). While this form of hypertension is not dangerous (because it is transient), it can cause significant errors in blood pressure measurements, leading to inaccurate diagnoses of high blood pressure.-
White coat hypertension occurs when an individual has high blood pressure readings only when the measurements occur outside of the home.
For many people, being in a clinical setting can cause anxiety. This anxiety can cause heightened blood pressure readings.
People with white coat hypertension will have high blood pressure readings (140/90 mmHg or above), but only when measured in a hospital or clinic. In many cases, this elevated blood pressure will occur in only specific clinical settings, such as when the patient is getting a diagnostic test about which she is already concerned.
If your blood pressure fluctuates only when it is measured in clinical settings, your doctor may suspect you have white coat hypertension. He may diagnose you by giving you a device that monitors blood pressure throughout the day.
Although many patients with white coat hypertension may believe that they are relaxed, putting them in an environment that is quiet and calm, as well as giving them reassurance in regard to their anxiety, can combat white coat hypertension.