How to Stop Taking Lotrel
Do not take or discontinue Lotrel without consulting your own doctor. Lotrel is not appropriate for everyone with high blood pressure. Once you begin taking Lotrel, you should not stop taking it without your doctor's permission because your high blood pressure increases your chance of having a cardiovascular event such as a stroke, heart attack or angina (chest pain caused when the heart does not get enough blood).
Watch for possible side effects such as cough, dizziness, headache and swelling of the feet, ankles or hands. There are more serious potential side effects of Lotrel. Individuals vary in their responses to Lotrel and it may react with other prescription and nonprescription medications.
Ask your doctor about side effects and allergic reactions before taking Lotrel. Also ask what to do if you experience any side effects or allergies.
Follow your doctor's instructions. If your doctor has prescribed Lotrel, your high blood pressure requires treatment. Untreated high blood pressure has been called "the silent killer" because it often produces no symptoms until too late. If you want to change your dosage or stop taking Lotrel completely, you must ask your doctor first.
Do not take Lotrel if you are pregnant or planning pregnancy because Lotrel might cause birth defects in the baby. Also be careful driving or operating equipment while taking Lotrel because it could affect your reactions or thinking.