Wrist Blood Pressure Cuff vs. Arm Blood Pressure Cuff
Wrist vs. Arm
A wrist cuff is self-inflating and worn like a watch with a digital readout. One size fits most people. Arm cuffs come in several lengths, and the readings can be digital or aneroid. The digital model has a separate read-out unit connected to the cuff by a hose. The aneroid model has a gauge with a pointer attached to the cuff. This type is often less expensive than a digital cuff, but it's more delicate and can become maladjusted and give inaccurate readings.
Ease of Use
A wrist cuff automatically inflates, tightening around your wrist and delivering a quick reading. It's like checking your watch. An arm cuff must be inflated by squeezing a rubber bulb. As the cuff deflates, it delivers a reading either digitally or on the aneroid gauge.
How they Work
Wrist cuffs and arm cuffs measure the force of blood flowing through your arteries when your heart beats (systolic pressure), and when your heart rests between beats (diastolic pressure). The results are presented as systolic/diastolic. Blood pressure of 120/80 or lower is considered optimal.
Wrist and arm cuffs will give accurate readings if you relax for at least five minutes before you begin, sit comfortably in a firm chair with your feet flat on the floor, and rest your arm on a firm surface at heart level.
Which is Best
If you have limited mobility, a wrist cuff is as easy to wear and read as a wrist watch. Arm cuffs require you to wrap the cuff snugly around your upper arm, firmly squeeze the rubber bulb to tighten it and, with an aneroid cuff, turn your head sideways to read the gauge.
Blood pressure isn't a constant. It changes minute to minute, depending on your emotional state and activity level. High blood pressure isn't just a male issue. Women with risk factors such as being pregnant, overweight or menopausal are also susceptible.