Home Remedies to Reduce Blood Pressure
One of the first things you need to judge if you're experiencing high blood pressure is to get an accurate reading from your physician. It should be routinely monitored every three years, or more often if your physician deems it necessary. When you have an accurate reading, you will know how to proceed with your treatment plan. Conventional treatments include beta-blockers or ace inhibitors. Sometimes these are prescribed along with diuretics, which will help the body eliminate fluid. Along with medication, you will more than likely be advised to make positive lifestyle changes. Some of these changes can be combined with a natural home remedy strategy.
Weight Loss and Exercise
One of the most basic things you can do to lower blood pressure is to lose weight. Even losing ten pounds can lower your high blood pressure reading by several points. Including exercise in your daily activities is an optimal way to lose weight and become healthier. Try adding just thirty minutes of daily exercise, more if possible. People who exercise on a regular basis usually will have lower blood pressure. Walking, swimming, biking and dancing are all ideal activities.
Benefits of Lifestyle Changes
A basic home remedy to lower high blood pressure is stopping smoking. There is really not one thing you can do that will have a bigger impact on your health. Smokers with high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart disease.
Eliminating alcohol from your life is another home remedy in the right direction. Alcohol is high in calories, and if you ingest enough of it, you will gain weight, and that could negatively impact your blood pressure. Give up alcohol for good, and notice a marked improvement in your health.
Effects of Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet that includes vegetables, fruits, healthy grains and nuts is a great remedy for high blood pressure that you can do at home, as well as when you dine out. Try not to eat as much red meat, and incorporate more fish and whole foods into your diet. A good rule of thumb is to eat something green at every meal. This can be challenging, but it's an easy way to make a lifestyle change.
Avoid using salt at the table. Sodium-rich foods encourage high blood pressure. Eliminate salt from your cooking. Read food labels to determine how much sodium is in the foods you buy. There is an amazing amount of sodium in most processed foods. Choose the lower sodium versions if they are available. Season your home cooked foods with herbs and spices for just as much flavor, without the sodium.
A Caffeine-Free Life
Giving up caffeine can be a grueling process, particularly if you have been addicted to drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages for a long time. Caffeine is known to raise blood pressure, so choose decaffeinated instead. Switch to herbal teas like green tea, and keep the caffeine at a minimum. Given time, you will be able to kick your caffeine habit and still function throughout the day.
Good Foods
Some specific foods that can lower blood pressure are bananas, which are high in potassium; celery, another great food for lowering blood pressure; tofu, melon and lentils. Even chocolate has health benefits that can lower blood pressure, but be sure to stick with the dark chocolate for the best result. Just don't eat too much chocolate!
Celery in particular has been used since Greek times as a hangover cure and a blood thinner. It significantly reduces blood pressure by relaxing the muscle tissue in artery walls, which enhances the blood flow.
Melons have a high potassium content, making them a good candidate for lowering blood pressure.
In addition, potatoes have health benefits that extend to high blood pressure. Their juice has antibiotic properties, and helps lower high blood pressure.
Incorporating a change in diet, exercise, limiting alcohol and caffeine, will help lower blood pressure in those individuals prone to high blood pressure symptoms. However, before embarking on a new lifestyle change program, consult your physician. It might still be necessary to take blood pressure medication as you incorporate some home remedies into your daily life.