Adverse Effects of Atenolol
Atenolol (Tenormin) was approved by the FDA in January 2003. Atenolol comes in tablet form and is usually taken daily but sometimes will be prescribed twice a day. It is important to take this medication at close to the same time every day. Do not miss a dose and tell your doctor of any adverse side effects.
Common Side Effects
Side effects of the drug Atenolol that are the most common are diarrhea, headache, nausea, light-headedness, or drowsiness. These side effects, while mild, should be reported to the doctor.
Severe Side Effects
More severe side effects could include infrequent urination, irregular heartbeat, increased thirst, restlessness, fainting, joint pain, severe nausea and/or vomiting or weakness. Other adverse reactions that should be immediately reported are rash, itching, hives, swelling of the mouth, tongue, lips or face, and any bruising, bleeding or yellowing of the eyes or skin. Extreme mood swings, blue fingers or toes and any trouble breathing needs to be seen by the doctor as soon as possible.
Other Considerations
It has been found that older patients may have an increase in blood sugar, thereby, the chances of being a diabetic are greater in some older patients. Sexual dysfunction and nightmares are also more severe but not very common. Mental conditions need to be evaluated carefully before taking this medication due to the severe mood swings this medication can cause.
When consulting your physician, make sure all medications being presently taken are discussed along with any possibility of pregnancy. This will help the physician decide if this medication is right for you. Keep in mind that the above listed side effects are necessary label precautions but there have not been any serious side effects listed. This is a safe prescription medication as long as it is taken as prescribed, as in any prescription medication.