Techniques to Take Blood Pressure
There are two techniques when measuring blood pressure: using a stethoscope while using a mercury pressure device to read the results, and using a home device that can be bought at a store. The former can only be used by a medical professional due to its complexity in nature, while the home bought device can be used by just about anybody. Both are inclusive of the sphymanometer, which is the strap that goes around your arm and tightens to read the pressure. The sphymanometer is the prominent characteristic that makes up both technique types.
Monitoring your blood pressure is important since it is the only way to discover if you have high blood pressure before it is too late. High blood pressure is termed the "Silent Killer" since you do not experience its symptoms until you are well into hypertension. It is possible to have high blood pressure so severe that it can cause a heart attack.
Using any of these two techniques will help you discover if you have hypertension. In the case that you do not, then that means your levels are normal and you will not suffer the effects that comes from high blood pressure such as headaches, nausea and fatigue. However, it is beneficial to know when you do get high blood pressure as it must be treated immediately with medication. Consult your doctor for further assistance on getting the proper medication for hypertension.
The stethoscope and mercury reading machine comes with a few components that comprise the whole technique process: a pump, a tube and a sphymanometer. The stethoscope is built into the strap for easier access to listen to the pulse. When air is applied to the sphymanometer via pump and tube, mercury in the device will rise to determine your blood pressure.
The store bought version simply has a reading machine attached to a sphymanometer only. Some models are hooked up to an AC outlet while others require batteries. The store bought models are user friendly, where the user just has to press a few buttons to begin the testing.
Taking Blood Pressure at Home Yields Best Results
Measuring your blood pressure at home is more accurate than doing it in the physician's office. You can be anxious and nervous in the clinical setting which can raise your blood pressure significantly and disturb the readings. Taking your own blood pressure at home, or a familiar place where you are comfortable, is recommended for the best results.