Can High Blood Pressure Be Cured by Nutrients & Not Drugs?
High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) are good for your body and when you have them they keep your heart healthy, thus reducing your blood pressure. Here are some things you can eat to increase the HDL in your body.
Niacin helps to flush your body when taken in large doses. Consult your physician on the correct dosage.
Healthy Fats
Adding foods such as olive oil, walnuts, fish and DHA Omega-3 all contribute to helping reduce your blood pressure by raising your HDL.
Vitamin B5
Taking Vitamin B5 helps reduce your blood pressure. Take 300 mg a day.
Alcohol In Moderation
Having one drink of alcohol a day is good for your heart. This does not mean at least one drink. It means only one.
By exercising three times a week for 20 minutes you increase circulation through the arteries.