How to Control Diastolic Blood Pressure
If your blood pressure is high, you'll need to discuss with your doctor the actions you should take to lower it. Your doctor may prescribe medicine to bring your blood pressure to a level that is safe. He may also recommend lifestyle changes to control your diastolic blood pressure.
Lose weight. If you are overweight, the national institute of health recommends losing 10 pounds. See eHow article "How to Calculate Ideal Body Weight" to find out if you need to lose weight (see Resources).
Exercise 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercise such as walking, running, biking or swimming is especially good for your heart health.
Add more fruits and vegetables into your diet and reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol. You can snack on carrot sticks or apple slices instead of potato chips. When you go out to eat, order fruit as a side rather than french fries.
Once you have made a few lifestyle changes, you'll need to keep it up. It is important to maintain your health in order to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.