How to Reduce High Blood Pressure With Reiki
Know what to expect. Reiki treatments involve restoring balance to your body. Reiki practitioners believe that high blood pressure is due to an imbalance in the body's energy. By massage-like touching movements, the practitioner will attempt to restore your body's balance, thereby helping to reduce your blood pressure.
Seek out a certified Reiki practitioner. Though Reiki looks similar to massage therapy, it is very different in practice. Ask prospective practitioners where they trained and what level of training they completed. Practitioners can receive up to three levels of training, ranging from basic to master level.
Choose the length of your session. Generally, Reiki sessions last between 45 and 90 minutes. Oftentimes, a series of sessions are recommended to reduce high blood pressure.
Discuss your high blood pressure with your Reiki practitioner. He will likely ask you various questions about your general health and inquire as to how you currently feel.
Be aware that the Reiki practitioner will begin at your head and work her way down to your feet. She may hold her hands on various body points for two to three minutes at a time. During this time, she is transferring healing energy to your body. You may feel hot or cool sensations as a result of her touch.
Use Reiki in combination with other treatments. While Reiki may reduce your blood pressure, it shouldn't be used in lieu of medical treatments. Talk to your doctor before seeking out Reiki treatment.