Healthy Blood Pressure Readings
Normal Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure readings are below 120 for the systolic and lower than 80 for the diastolic reading. Blood pressure is usually read as "110 over 70," with the systolic number going first.
Pre-hypertension is defined by the American Heart Association as a systolic reading of 120 to 139, or a diastolic figure of 80 to 89. This is often also called "borderline."
High Readings
High blood pressure as a medical condition is usually diagnosed when the systolic number is 140 to 159 or the diastolic reading is 90 to 99.
Danger Zone
Especially dangerously high blood pressure, also known as high 2, occurs when systolic is read at 160 or higher, or the diastolic figure is 100 or higher.
Seeking treatment for high blood pressure is important, as hypertension can lead to heart attack or stroke. Options for patients include improving the amount of salt and fat in their diet, lowering stress and taking medication.