How to Cure and Treat High Blood Pressure Naturally
Your diet is largely to blame for your high blood pressure. Avoid foods and beverages containing caffeine and salt. Any processed foods and eating at restaurants should be avoided while trying to reduce your blood pressure.
Bananas are a good source of potassium which has been linked to healthy blood pressure. Don't stop at bananas lots of fruits and vegetables are loaded with potassium.
Fish oils are a wonderful source of Omega-3 fatty acids. You can either eat fish every day or take supplements. Either way, be sure to watch your mercury intake. If you are going to make your own fish, avoid frying or cooking with fats. Broiled, steamed (poached fish) and baked are excellent options. Smoked fish is not a good choice since it contains high amounts of sodium.
Eating fresh garlic has been proven to reduce blood pressure levels in those with high blood pressure. It seems to have no effect on those with normal blood pressure. That being said, eating fresh garlic is the way to go. Add it to all your meals for the best benefits.
Laughter is good medicine. While high blood pressure medicine is right for some, laughter is good for everyone! Its free, its fun and of course its all natural. Get out and have a barrel of laughs.
Exercise is a wonderful natural remedy for reducing high blood pressure. It relieves stress and increases blood flow. Talk to your doctor about how much exercise is right for you. Overdoing it may be more harmful than good.
Meditation will help you relieve stress. Stress is a strong trigger for high blood pressure. You can do this at home or join a meditation group in your area.
A home massage or a professional massage will increase blood flow and relax your stress away while lowering your blood pressure.
Smoking will increase your blood pressure. If you are a smoker, it is important to quit smoking now. You may want to do it over a course of a week and rather than quit cold turkey to reduce the side effects of detoxing depending on how many cigarettes a day you smoke. Cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco are no exception. Those must be eliminated as well.
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