OTC Cures for Hypertension
Things You'll Need
- Garlic pills Aromatherapy oils Coenzyme Q10 Fish oils Magnesium Calcium Potassium Valerian root
How to Cure Hypertension with OTC treatments.
Place aromatherapy oils and plants around your home. The scent of various plants and herbs produce a calming effect, which helps reduce stress levels.
Take garlic pills and valerian root tablets regularly. These two natural ingredients have positive results in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Consider the health benefits of taking coenzymeQ10. COQ10 has been shown to lower blood pressure significantly with no known side effects.
Introduce calcium, magnesium and potassium tablets into your daily diet, as these have measurable effects on both systolic and diastolic levels.
Include fish oils in your daily regimen. The amino acids in fish oil have a positive effect on the heart and can help reduce hypertension.