Why Blood Pressure Readings Vary
In most people, blood pressure increases in the morning before they get out of bed, and it continues to rise gradually until midday, when it levels off. In the evening, it begins to drop once again. This is the body's natural circadian rhythm and activity levels or different sleeping patterns do not affect it. The only time your body's circadian rhythm is of concern is when you already suffer from high blood pressure.
Two numbers make up your blood pressure, the systolic and the diastolic. The systolic is the top number and the diastolic is the lower number. A normal systolic reading is between 90 and 120, and a normal diastolic reading is between 60 and 80. If the systolic is between 120 and 140 and the diastolic is between 80 and 90, the blood pressure is elevated. High blood pressure readings for the systolic are between 140 and 160 and between 90 and 100 for the diastolic. Readings above this are very high and signal a potential medical emergency.
Additional Factors
Other factors cause variations in blood pressure and by controlling them; you may be able to lower your blood pressure. Foods high in potassium may reduce blood pressure and by lowering your consumption of saturated fats, you may lower your blood cholesterol, resulting in a lower blood pressure. Caffeine, found in colas, coffee and tea, temporarily raises your blood pressure so drink them in moderation. Smoking may also cause a temporary rise in blood pressure.
Stress plays an important role in your physical health and well-being. Not only does stress cause a temporary spike in blood pressure, during the time you are anxious, chronic stress sets the stage for developing long-term high blood pressure. Use relaxation techniques, such as controlled breathing or meditation to control stress related high blood pressure.
You may never develop high blood pressure if you follow a healthy diet, low in saturated fats and salt, with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly will also reduce your risk. In addition, limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Consult your doctor about large fluctuations in your blood pressure of 20 or more for either the systolic or diastolic numbers. In addition, ask your physician about a healthy diet and exercise plan to lower high blood pressure to safe levels.