Food Cures for Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, may be lowered by changing what you eat to include foods that naturally lower blood pressure. Ingesting certain vitamin and mineral supplements will also work to lower blood pressure, although not as well as eating fresh fruits, fish and vegetables.
  1. Types

    • Eating a diet rich in potassium lowers blood pressure. These potassium-rich foods include bananas, watermelon, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, almonds and oranges. Skimmed milk and soy also contain large amounts of potassium, and three servings of these foods per day will regulate high blood pressure or hypertension.


    • Limit sodium (salt) intake as excess amounts of salt increase blood pressure and cause the body to retain water, which is bad for the heart. Adding dairy foods to the diet may counteract the harmful effects of too much dietary sodium.


    • Eating fish, especially salmon, mackerel and tuna, maintains blood pressure. Taking fish oil capsules daily rids the body of cholesterol, improving blood flow and blood pressure. Omega 3, 6 and 9 are added to the diet by consuming ground flax seed, which is conducive to good overall health maintenance.


    • Adding cereals and grains to your diet is heart smart and healthy. Lower your blood pressure and your bad cholesterol by eating a bowl of oatmeal every day and prepare meals that include whole grains such as brown rice.


    • Adding plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet will help balance your hypertension or high blood pressure. This is achieved through the natural weight loss you will experience by beneficial diet changes, healthy lifestyle improvements and high fiber intake, which improves blood pressure and cholesterol. Chop up and swallow three garlic cloves daily for lowering blood pressure and preventing blood clots from forming or take garlic oil capsules, available at all health food stores.

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