What Is Diovan?
Diovan is the brand name for the drug Valsartan, which is basically an angiotensin blocker, meaning that its presence in the body will essentially relax the blood vessels and allow them to widen. Typically, it would be used in the treatment of hypertension (otherwise known as high blood pressure) as well as heart failure, preventing people from having heart attacks or other issues connected with these conditions, including stroke and problems with the kidneys.
Individuals prescribed Diovan will take the drug orally, usually at mealtimes, unless otherwise directed by a physician. Generally, it'll take anywhere upwards of 4 weeks to actually show measurable results and benefits in a person's blood pressure when taken regularly. That isn't to say someone will not show results sooner, but this is the average outcome for people on Diovan or Valsartan.
While results will vary from person to person, some people have experienced minor side effects from Diovan. These include some fatigue, dizziness, a sensation of being lightheaded or even a change in vision, mostly blurred in nature. These symptoms will usually subside as your body acclimates to the medication, so you should continue to use the drug as prescribed. However, though these derivatives are relatively mild, you should mention to your doctor if they worsen or continue past the "normal" adjustment period.
Some people have also had an allergic reaction to Diovan, or Valsartan, as is possible with virtually every drug or medication. You could see a slight change in your physical appearance, as some patients have noticed a rash or visible swelling of the face as well as an inflammation of the tongue. Others have also felt a tightening in the throat or a trouble with their breathing and/or swallowing. A few people have also experienced a moderate to severe dizziness. All of these symptoms are linked to an allergic reaction, and you should seek medical attention immediately, as many of these symptoms may worsen over time.
Although Diovan is very beneficial to people suffering from hypertension, there have been some very rare cases of severely adverse effects. This would include something so seemingly minor as the chills or a fever to something very evident like pain in the abdominal region of the body. There have also been cases where people have experienced extreme fatigue, sore throat, a yellowing of the skin, a change in urination and severe nausea. If any of these symptoms were to present themselves while taking Diovan, make sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately.