How to Use an Automatic Blood Pressure Cuff
Unwrap the cuff. Place the mark on the cuff over the brachial artery. The brachial artery is located at the bend of your elbow running a straight line to your little finger. On the blood pressure cuff there is a "range" marking to help get the arm in the correct location. Tighten the cuff firmly but not so tight as to cut off circulation.
Hit the "Start" button. The machine will begin to inflate the cuff. When the cuff reaches a certain point it will begin to lose air, reading pressure as it goes. When it completely deflates there will be a reading or an error message. If there is an error, try the procedure again but make the cuff tighter.
Look at the reading. The top number is called the systolic number and should be under 140. The lower number is the diastolic and should be under 90. If your numbers are over that don't panic. Re-take the pressure. Some people just get nervous. If the pressure is just slightly over that, there usually is no reason to do anything. Certainly if the diastolic is 120 or 130 it would make sense to go to the emergency room.
Be aware of symptoms. If you feel dizzy or have palpitations or are sweating or just feel "bad," that says more about your condition than the numbers.
Use the automatic blood pressure cuff to keep a record of your readings. Do this in conjunction with adjustments in diet or exercise to see how they are working as far as giving you good blood pressure readings.