How to Reduce Hereditary Hypertension
Exercise daily. Everyone understands the importance of exercise. When you have hereditary hypertension though, exercise becomes even more of a necessity. Exercising daily will help you reduce you blood pressure naturally. Even if you’re overweight, you can choose a low-impact exercise and still reduce your hereditary hypertension.
Lose weight. Excess weight is never healthy. If you want to reduce your hereditary hypertension, you need to eat a healthier diet. This isn’t as hard as some people make it out to be. In fact, you don’t even have to give up your favorite foods. All you need to do is recreate your favorite recipes and cut your portion sizes. Before you know it, you will reduce your blood pressure and waistband.
Reduce sodium. Sodium can make hereditary hypertension even worse. The problem is that many Americans eat well over their daily allowance of sodium. The easiest way to reduce sodium is to make foods from scratch.
Consult your doctor. Hereditary hypertension isn’t something you can handle on your own, especially if both of your parents suffer from hypertension. In fact, you could change your lifestyle completely, and still suffer from high blood pressure. Thankfully, your doctor can help you reduce your hypertension. The only downside is that most hereditary cases require medication.
Take medication as directed. Hereditary hypertension is hard to control through exercise and diet. In most cases, patients must start out with a water pill. As time goes on, the patient may be required to start taking high blood pressure medication to reduce their hereditary hypertension. Your doctor may even prescribe a combination of medicines in order to reduce your blood pressure.