How to Treat Dizziness Caused by High Blood Pressure
Drink lots of water or other fluids that will hydrate your body. Often, a person with high blood pressure will feel dizzy because his body's blood pressure is dropping. One cause of that drop in the normally high blood pressure is a lack of hydration. This also occurs in people with normal blood pressure but to a lesser degree. It’s safe to say, though, that it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated no matter what state of health you are in.
Patch up wounds as quickly as possible. It should go without saying that if you are bleeding profusely, you should make it stop as fast as you can. The loss of too much blood can eventually lead to death, but first it will lead to a drop in blood pressure that will make you both cold and dizzy. Use your common sense and slap on a Band-Aid or apply gauze and go to the hospital if the wound is very serious.
Change posture carefully. Everyone has felt a little bit dizzy after sitting for a while and then quickly standing up. With high blood pressure, that dizziness becomes severe and can lead to a major accident. If you fall down and seriously injure yourself, it can possibly lead to death if no one discovers you.
Lower your cholesterol by eating heart healthy foods. If a food is potentially good for lowering your cholesterol, it will advertise that fact on its box. In the advertiser's eyes, people with high blood pressure are a captivated audience that has their health to motivate them to buy healthy products.
Exercise regularly to lower your blood pressure. At first, it is not advised to do a lot of heavy workouts. That is a quick way to become dizzy and fall over or to have a heart attack. Instead, gradually work your way up to an exercise regimen that is good for you.