How to Avoid Mistakes in Measuring High Blood Pressure
Things You'll Need
- Blood pressure machine
- Chair
- Pillow if needed
Check your blood pressure equipment to make sure that it is working properly
Relax a few minutes before taking your blood pressure, as it can fluctuate due to the state of your body. Take the time to sit down, relax and breathe slowly.
Put the blood pressure cuff on your upper arm with the bottom of the cuff placed at the bend in your elbow. The cuff should cover about 3/4 of your upper arm. It is very important that you use the right size cuff.
Place your arm at heart level and use pillows to prop it up if necessary.
Sit still with your feet flat on the floor and your back supported and straight. Breathe calmly and deeply while your blood pressure is being taken.
Measure your blood pressure and keep a log of your reading by writing it down immediately when you take it. Refer to your log to determine your normal blood pressure.