How to Pressure Can
You will need:
- A pressure canner
- Jars with lids and bands
- A canning funnel
- A ladle
- A bubble remover
- A jar lifter
- A kitchen towel
- Pressure canning recipes
- Pressure canning manual to review safety measures and specific instructions related to your canner model.
Step 2: Prepare the jars.
- Inspect the jars for cracks or chips. If the jar is cracked or chipped, do not use it for canning.
- Wash the jars in hot soapy water and rinse them well.
- Place the jars on a kitchen towel to dry.
Step 3: Prepare the lids.
- Inspect the lids for cracks or dents. If the lid is cracked or dented, do not use it for canning.
- Wash the lids and bands in hot soapy water and rinse them well.
- Place the lids and bands on a kitchen towel to dry.
Step 4: Fill the jars.
- Use the canning funnel to fill the jars with the food you want to can.
- Do not fill the jars to the top. There should be about 1/2 inch of headspace at the top of the jar.
Step 5: Remove air bubbles.
- Use the bubble remover to remove any air bubbles from the food.
- If there are air bubbles, the food will not can properly.
Step 6: Apply the lids and bands.
- Place the lids on the jars and screw the bands on finger tight.
- Do not over tighten the bands. This can cause the jars to break during processing.
Step 7: Process the jars.
Follow the instructions in your pressure canning manual for processing jars, ensuring that you have the right amount of water, and that you are using the correct processing time and pressure for the food you are canning.
Step 8: Cool the jars.
- After processing, turn off the heat and allow the jars to cool in the canner for 10 minutes or longer until pressure drops to 0.
- Remove the jars from the canner and place them on a kitchen towel to cool completely.
Step 9: Inspect the jars.
- After the jars have cooled, inspect them for cracks or leaks.
- Press on the center of the lid, If the lid moves up and down freely, the jar is not sealed. If this occurs, refrigerate the contents immediately and reconsider the item to ensure there are no potential food safety risks.
Step 10: Store the jars.
- Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place.
- Canned food will last for up to 1 year.