How likely is it to get 3 negative hcg tests 5 weeks 7 and even 9 later after LMP?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), often known as the pregnancy hormone, is normally produced by the developing placenta after successful embryo implantation into the uterine wall. Levels of hCG rise quickly during early pregnancy, doubling almost every day in the first few weeks.
By 5 weeks after your LMP, hCG levels are usually high enough to be detected by most pregnancy tests, including home urine pregnancy tests. If your hCG levels are low or not rising as expected, it may indicate a problem with the pregnancy, such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
In some cases, hCG levels may rise more slowly in certain pregnancies, resulting in a negative test early on. However, a negative hCG test at 9 weeks after your LMP is very unlikely to be a false negative if you are pregnant. It's important to note that home pregnancy tests can sometimes produce false-positive or false-negative results.
If you have concerns about your pregnancy status or test results, it's always best to consult a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor, for accurate evaluation and further testing if necessary.