What causes high pool filter pressure?
1. Clogged Filter: A dirty or clogged filter is the most common cause of high filter pressure. When the filter is clogged, it restricts the flow of water, causing the pressure to build up.
2. Dirty Skimmer Basket: A clogged skimmer basket can also contribute to high filter pressure. When the skimmer basket is full of debris, it reduces the amount of water that can enter the filter, leading to increased pressure.
3. Improper Valve Position: If the pool valves are not positioned correctly, it can cause the filter pressure to rise. Make sure that the valves are set to the correct positions, as specified in the pool equipment manual.
4. Air in the Filter System: Air trapped in the filter system can cause the pressure to increase. This can happen when the pool is initially filled or after maintenance work has been performed.
5. Faulty Filter Gauge: In some cases, a faulty or malfunctioning filter gauge may provide inaccurate pressure readings. If you suspect that the gauge is not working correctly, you can try installing a new one or comparing the pressure reading with a separate pressure gauge.
6. High Flow Rate: If the pool pump is operating at a higher flow rate than recommended, it can result in increased filter pressure. Check the pump settings to ensure that the flow rate is within the recommended range.
7. Damaged Filter Media: If the filter media (such as sand or cartridge) is damaged or worn out, it can cause high pressure. Replace the filter media if necessary.
8. Incorrect Pipe Size: If the pipes connecting the filter to the pool are too small or restrictive, it can lead to high filter pressure. Make sure that the pipes are of the correct size and that they are clear of any obstructions.
If you have tried addressing these common causes and the filter pressure remains high, it's best to consult with a pool professional for further assistance and a thorough inspection of the pool equipment.