Name 4 areas you can take blood pressure in the human body?
1. Upper arm (brachial artery): This is the most common site for taking blood pressure. The blood pressure cuff is placed around the upper arm, just above the elbow crease.
2. Wrist (radial artery): Blood pressure can also be taken at the wrist. The blood pressure cuff is placed around the wrist, just below the palm of the hand.
3. Ankle (posterior tibial artery): Blood pressure can be taken at the ankle in people with certain medical conditions, such as peripheral arterial disease. The blood pressure cuff is placed around the ankle, just above the heel.
4. Thigh (popliteal artery): Blood pressure can be taken at the thigh in people who are unable to have their blood pressure taken in the other areas. The blood pressure cuff is placed around the thigh, just below the groin.