Food & Herbs That Aggravate Blood Pressure
Consuming caffeine found in such foods and beverages as chocolate, tea and coffee can lead to a spike in blood pressure. This is because caffeine is a stimulant that narrows blood vessels and causes your body to release more adrenaline, raising blood pressure. Drinking caffeine-free beverages and eating chocolate in moderation will help keep blood pressure at safe levels.
Sodium, otherwise known as salt, has been proven to increase blood pressure. This is why you often see low-sodium products touted in grocery stores--they are a good alternative to high-sodium foods such as frozen dinners, fast food and hot dogs.
Most of the sugar we consume is stored as fat in our bodies. This accumulation of fat from higher levels of sugar intake can lead to an increased risk for high blood pressure. Natural sugar substitutes such as Stevia and Agave Nectar have little to no effect on blood sugar levels--great for diabetics, overweight persons or those simply interested in healthy living.
Binging on licorice candy is a bad idea because the licorice herb raises blood pressure when consumed in large quantities. Other herbs known to increase blood pressure are ginger, guarana, ginseng, St. John's Wort, parsley and Ephedra. Eating these herbs in moderation is OK, but if consumed in larger quantities every day, they can have a negative impact on blood pressure.