Premenstrual Syndrome & Severe High Blood Pressure
Premenstrual syndrome is set of symptoms that occurs in a predictable pattern which is connected to the menstrual cycle in women. These symptoms can be both emotional and physical.
Severe High Blood Pressure
According the American Heart Association, severe high blood pressure, also called stage 2 hypertension, occurs with a reading of 160 systolic over 100 diastolic.
Stress and emotional problems can effect both PMS and blood pressure. Ongoing, high levels of stress may contribute to either condition increasing in severity.
The Mayo Clinic recommends reducing salt in the diet for both high blood pressure and PMS. Sodium contributes to high blood pressure, and salt can cause bloating and fluid retention that aggravate PMS symptoms.
If you believe PMS symptoms are contributing to your high blood pressure, seek your doctor's advice. He or she can monitor your blood pressure and note spikes that may be related to monthly PMS symptoms.