Why Coughing Increases Blood Pressure
A persistent cough is exhausting, depriving an individual of sleep and depleting energy. When this condition begins to contribute to increased stress, blood pressure can increase.
Smoking is associated with chronic cough and high blood pressure. The more an individual smokes, the more he will suffer from those conditions.
Some types of decongestants found in cough medications raise blood pressure. If you are taking something to suppress your cough, check for warnings on the label about high blood pressure.
A cold or bronchitis with a heavy cough can cause your blood pressure to rise due stress on your system. You blood pressure may return to normal after you get better, but continue to check it to ensure that you are not becoming hypertensive.
The Mayo Clinic defines a chronic cough as one that lasts eight weeks or more. This type of sustained cough can create enough stress on your system to create high blood pressure, which can then be further aggravated if you take a cough suppressant. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, consult a doctor.
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