What Cough Medicines Can You Take With High Blood Pressure?
If you have blood pressure greater than 120 systolic over 80 diostolic, read labels on over-the-counter cough medications or decongestants. Look for warnings against use if you have high blood pressure.
Some cough and flu medications will raise blood pressure or nullify the benefits of prescription blood pressure medications. This can cause your blood pressure to elevate to unsafe levels.
Check With Your Doctor
The American Heart Association states that the best practice if you have high blood pressure involves checking with your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medication, including cough medicines and decongestants.
If you have high blood pressure, remember that some cough medications may have high levels of sodium, which can raise blood pressure. Look for the active ingredients "sodium" or "soda," and note the amounts. In some cases, a single dose of cough medicine may have more than the daily limited amount of sodium for someone with high blood pressure.
Even if if no warning appears on a cough medicine bottle against taking it if you have high blood pressure, check with your doctor before regular use—especially if you take medication for your high blood pressure.
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