High Systolic Blood Pressure Treatments
Thiazide diuretics, which are also called water pills, are popular medications used to treat high systolic blood pressure. They work on the kidneys to aid the body in getting rid of sodium and water. When these substances are reduced, blood volume is also lessened. Diuretics can be added to an existing blood pressure medication treatment or used to replace one. For older patients, there is a special type of Thiazide diuretic called indapamide which can reduce the risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used to treat high systolic blood pressure. These medicines help the blood vessels relax by preventing natural chemicals which narrow the blood vessels. ACE inhibitors can be used to treat patients with coronary heart disease as well as those with kidney and heart failure. ACE inhibitors are often prescribed alongside Thiazide diuretics.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Calcium channel blockers are types of medications that help treat high systolic blood pressure. They result in the slowing down of the movements of calcium into the cells of the heart and the blood vessel walls. In addition to this, the blood vessels widen to make the heart work less when it pumps blood. As a result, blood pressure is lowered. Those who are taking calcium channel blockers should inform their doctors of any other medication they are taking because these can interfere with the effectiveness of the calcium channel blockers.
Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are often prescribed to control high systolic blood pressure. What this type of medication does is to block the effects of the nervous system on the heart. When this happens, the heart does not require as much blood and oxygen compared to when beta blockers are not used. This reduces the stress on the heart, resulting in lower blood pressure. Beta blockers also help control the heart rate and can control abnormalities in the heart rates of patients. However, beta blockers should not be used if a patient has asthma, emphysema or hypotension.
Studies have shown that overweight individuals can lower their blood pressure if they lose even as little as five pounds. Those with high systolic blood pressure are recommended to make lifestyle changes in order to alleviate their condition. Their diet should include a lot of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grain foods. Salt, saturated fat and total fat should also be reduced. In addition to this, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help alleviate high systolic blood pressure. Regular exercise is also a big help.