What should you do if your blood sugar is high?
1. Test your blood sugar again to confirm that it is indeed high. A false high reading can be caused by a number of factors, such as dehydration or stress.
2. Drink plenty of water. This will help to dilute the glucose in your blood and lower your blood sugar levels.
3. Eat a healthy snack or meal. This will help to raise your insulin levels and lower your blood sugar levels. Some healthy snacks or meals that can help to lower blood sugar include:
* A piece of fruit with a handful of nuts
* A bowl of oatmeal
* A whole-wheat sandwich with lean protein and vegetables
4. Get some exercise. Exercise can help to lower blood sugar levels by increasing your insulin sensitivity. Even a short walk can make a difference.
5. Check your blood sugar again after 1-2 hours. This will help you to see if your blood sugar levels have come down.
If your blood sugar levels remain high after following these steps, you should contact your doctor. They may recommend additional treatment, such as insulin or oral medication.
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