unable to stop severe bleeding through direct pressure what is your next step?
2. Apply a pressure bandage. If direct pressure is not effective in stopping the bleeding, apply a pressure bandage. To do this, wrap a clean piece of cloth or gauze around the wound and tie it firmly in place. Be sure to wrap the bandage snugly, but not so tightly that it cuts off circulation.
3. Use a tourniquet. If direct pressure and a pressure bandage are not effective in stopping the bleeding, you may need to apply a tourniquet. A tourniquet is a last resort, as it can cause serious tissue damage if used improperly. To apply a tourniquet, wrap a narrow strip of cloth or gauze around the limb above the wound and tie it in a knot. Tighten the knot until the bleeding stops, then secure it in place. Remember to loosen the tourniquet every 20-30 minutes to prevent tissue damage.
4. Call 911. If you are unable to stop the bleeding on your own, call 911 immediately. Do not attempt to transport the injured person yourself, as this could cause further injury.