What is the Effect of High Blood Pressure in Men?
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, African-Americans are more likely to suffer from hypertension, have more severe hypertension, and die from complications like heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.
Heart Failure
Consistently high blood pressure causes the heart to enlarge and work harder. This can lead to congestive heart failure—a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood throughout the body and vital organs.
Blocked Blood Flow
High blood pressure damages blood vessels; this can lead to excess buildup of plaque and other substances within the blood vessels. This narrowing can block blood flow or cause pieces of plaque to break off and travel through the body—resulting in strokes, heart attacks and blood clots, according to the National Library of Medicine.
Kidney Damage
High blood pressure narrows the blood vessels serving the kidneys. Along with diabetes, high blood pressure is a major cause of kidney failure.
Vision Loss
Excessive pressure in the veins serving the eye can rupture, causing blindness.
Other Complications
Other complications include aortic dissection---where bleeding into and among the walls of the aorta, the main artery serving the heart, can lead to death, aneurysms and metabolic syndrome. You can also experience problems with memory and understanding, according to the Mayo Clinic.
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