What Is Normal Blood Pressure in Adolescents?
Age, height and gender determine normal blood pressure in adolescents. These normal values are based on the percentile of other adolescents of the same age, height, weight and gender.
According to MassGeneral Hospital for Children, values should be below the ninetieth percentile to be considered normal. Consider values between the ninetieth and ninety-fifth normal highs, and anything over the ninety-fifth percentile indicate high blood pressure.
Consider a reading of 116/75 to 122/78 in the ninetieth percentile normal for a 12-year old girl. For a 12-year old boy, recognize a reading of 115/75 to 123/79 in the ninetieth percentile as normal.
According to Rush University Medical Center, normal blood pressure readings increase from infancy, to adolescence, to adulthood. Consider an infant reading of 80/45 and an adolescent reading of 110/70 acceptable.
According to kidshealth.org, almost 60 million people in America over the age of 6 years old have high blood pressure. Adolescents with blood pressure readings higher than the ninetieth percentile are at risk to develop high blood pressure as adults.