How to Walk on Pebbles to Lower Blood Pressure
Find, or create, a pebble walkway. If you live in a warm climate and have easy access to a cobblestone walkway, you have the perfect conditions already at your fingertips--or, more correctly, at your toes. If you can't find a place where you can easily walk on pebbles or if you live in a climate where walking barefoot invites frostbite, you may need to create your own pebble walking environment. For an outdoor walkway, you can have a pebbled sidewalk installed on your driveway or alongside your garden. You could even treat your pebble walking as an artistic project and install a mosaic made of pebbles as a garden centerpiece. If the climate where you live dictates indoor walking most of the year, you can purchase a runner mat made of pebbles.
Take off your shoes. Socks are optional, but shoes will get between you and the health benefits you want.
Walk for 30 to 60 minutes a day barefoot on pebbles. If you don't have the stamina yet for that long of a walk, build up to that goal gradually over time. Asian seniors who pebble walk for health and vitality also use their walking as an opportunity for meditation and reflection. If you walk on a small pebble area rug or a small-scale cobblestone area, you may want to listen to music to help you relax and enjoy your walking experience.