When to Go to the Hospital with High Blood Pressure
Possible Symptoms
People usually go about their activities with no thought of their blood pressure. It may be very high, but they are unaware of the danger. At times, however, you may experience symptoms that can point to an elevated risk of stroke, heart attack, or other health complications. High blood pressure sometimes causes a person to experience an excruciating headache. You may also experience severe anxiety, shortness of breath, or a nosebleed. Sometimes, a person with high blood pressure will have vision problems, nausea and vomiting, or lightheadedness. These symptoms by themselves will not necessarily mean your blood pressure is high, but if you have a combination of any of these symptoms, you should call 911 or seek medical assistance immediately.
Check Your Blood Pressure Regularly
Unfortunately, many people experience a stroke or heart attack before they even know they have a problem with their blood pressure. For this reason, it is important that you check it regularly. It is a good idea to check your blood pressure at your local drugstore or with your own blood pressure kit. Your blood pressure will go up and down depending on the time of the day, your level of activity, and the amount of stress you are dealing with, so it would be a good idea to check it at different times of the day. A blood pressure reading of 180 or higher for your systolic pressure or top number, and 110 or higher for your diastolic, or bottom number is cause for alarm. Wait a few minutes and retake the blood pressure to make sure the first reading was accurate. Do not assume that your pressure will go down. It may go down on its own, but you should not take a chance with a reading this high. Call 911 immediately or have someone drive you to the emergency room right away.