How To Reduce Blood Pressure With Music
Measure your blood pressure before beginning the music therapy. This can help determine your personal results.
Get your hands on some relaxing music. A particular study has shown classical, Celtic and Indian music to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure. Pretty much anything with a slow, continual rhythm will suffice.
Listen to the relaxing music for at least 30 minutes a day every day for a month. Repetition and relaxation are the keys. Sit down with headphones in a dark room by yourself, if possible.
Breathe slow and deep breaths while listening to the music. Open your nostrils as much as you can to allow the most oxygen to enter your body. Pressing your tongue against the backside of your bottom front teeth also allows more oxygen to pass through your nose. Exhale through your mouth two times longer than the time it takes you to inhale. This is very important.
Measure your blood pressure again after 30 days. Studies have shown an average drop of 3 points in systolic blood pressure readings and 4 points in diastolic blood pressure readings in patients after completing 30 days of similar music therapy.
Try different kinds of music. There are a few companies that manufacture quality brain-synchronizing CDs. These CDs are designed to produce specific effects in a human brain. Check the Resources section below for links to Hemi Sync, one of the best brain wave synchronization resources available.