Uses of Sambong in Hypertension
Sambong is an herbal plant primarily grown in the Philippines, where it has been approved by the Philippines Department of Health to be used for treatment of kidney stones, a cold remedy and to treat mild hypertension.
Sambong is a strongly aromatic shrub that grows from 1 to 4 meters in height. It grows wild and flowers during the late winter and early spring.
Sambong works as a diuretic, which means that it removes excess fluid and sodium from the body through urine. Because excess sodium in the system is known to contribute to high blood pressure, diuretics are used alleviate the condition.
You can boil Sambong leaves and drink it as tea. To use as a diuretic, boil 2 Tbsp. of chopped leaves and steep in 2 cups of boiled water for 15 minutes. Half this amount as you take it with meals through the day (use 3 1/2 Tbsp. per day).
There are also Sambong pills produced in the Philippines and sold through various alternative medicine distributors.
There is a shortage of information about Sambong outside of resources that originate from the Philippines. There is little documentation about Sambong's use or effects in either traditional medical sources or alternative medicine in the United States,
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services does not list Sambong in its list of know herbal medicines.
Herbal medicines have been taken throughout history by people looking to improve their health. However, some can cause health problems and may interact with other drugs.
If you have hypertension, Sambong--functioning as a diuretic--may help your condition. However, consult your doctor before using it to ensure it will not interact with other drugs, and be aware that most information on the benefits of Sambong is folklore.
If you can find a Sambong product with the U.S. Pharmacopeia's "USP Dietary Supplement Verified" label, this is a sign you have a legitimate product.