Diastolic Hypertension & Treatment
Watch your blood pressure.
Diastolic Number
Your diastolic number is the lowest level at which your blood pressure falls in between heartbeats. When your heart is resting between beats, the large vessels contract and continue pushing blood throughout your body.
The Numbers are Important
According to the American Heart Association, your diastolic pressure should remain lower than the number 90. You are diagnosed with pre-hypertension if you have a diastolic pressure of 80 to 89.
Lifestyle Change
Stop smoking Treating hypertension is a big job. You have to change your lifestyle, which can be tough. To treat hypertension, you have to lower your blood pressure, and this can be done in several ways. If you are a smoker, stop smoking, and if you are overweight, make it a goal to lose the additional pounds.
Healthy Diet
Healthy food. Eat a healthy diet. Include more fresh vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products. Watch the amount of salt you use or start using a salt substitute that is approved by your physician.
Limit Alcoholic Beverages
Limit alcohol Limit your alcoholic beverages. Women can safely drink one alcoholic beverage a day, men can drink two.
Prescription Medicine
Drugs to manage hypertension. Your doctor will probably prescribe a drug to help manage your hypertension. There are many types of blood pressure medicine. Between this prescription drug and a change in your living and eating habits, you should be able to control your hypertension.