Precautions While Taking High Blood Pressure Medicine
Side Effects
It is important to always know the side effects and drug interactions of your blood pressure medicine.
While some side effects may be normal and expected, others may be indications of serious complications. When this occurs, having adequate knowledge about what to look for becomes critical, so as not to miss important red flags.
You should always seriously consider the side effects that come with your prescribed medicine as well. If some of the symptoms seem likely to be too much to handle, try another medication or discuss other options with your doctor.
In addition to your blood pressure medication, you may want to adjust your diet. Many times, it is harder on your body to use only medication to regulate your blood pressure. You may also want to pay special attention to the type of medication you are on, as different medications work differently on your body. Some might limit the amount of calcium you get, while others work as diuretics. When shopping and cooking remember to keep foods low in sodium. When dining out, ask your waiter or waitress if they have a dietary menu that lists low-sodium selections.
Drug Interactions
When two or more drugs interact in your system they can have increased side effects or may possibly work incorrectly. A common cause of drug overdose is the negligent mixing of drugs. Always check the back of your prescription bottle and ask your doctor how your medication might interact with other drugs.
Food and herbal supplements can also have an effect on your medication. Always make sure to ask your doctor if there are any herbal or dietary restrictions before you start a new medication.
It is a good idea to wear some sort of medical bracelet that includes all of the medications you are taking. In an emergency, this can help doctors make informed decisions about your care.