Foods That Help High Blood Pressure
Eat four to five servings of fruit each day. A serving of fruit equals a medium-sized whole fruit, 1/2 cup of cut-up fresh fruit, 1/4 cup of dried fruit or 6 oz. of fruit juice. It is always more beneficial to eat fresh fruit rather than to drink processed fruit juice as it delivers more fiber and less sugar.
Eat four to five servings of vegetables every day, as well. A serving equals 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 1 cup of raw, leafy vegetables or 6 oz. of vegetable juice. Vary the colors and types of vegetables to ensure you're getting a wide range of vitamins.
Consume two to three low-fat or fat-free dairy products per day. When consuming milk or yogurt, a serving size equals 8 oz., or 1 cup. With cheese, a serving is 1 1/2 oz.
Lean Meat
Consume two or less servings of lean beef, fish or skinless poultry per day. A serving of meat equals 3 oz.
Nuts, Seeds and Beans
Eat four to five servings of nuts, seeds and beans each week. A serving of nuts is 1 1/2 oz., a serving of seeds is 1 tablespoon and a serving of beans is 1/2 cup.