How to Treat High Blood Pressure at Home
Start exercising. Excess weight causes strain on your heart, because it forces more blood and oxygen to flow to tissues. Evaluate how much you need to weigh for you height, bone structure and gender by following the link in References. Ask your doctor what a healthy weight would be for you. Set up a consistent exercise routine. Develop realistic goals that you can meet. Figure out what works for you and stick with it.
Eat healthier. Follow the DASH diet sponsored by the Institutes of Health at for lowering blood pressure. This diet incorporates vegetables, fruits, lean meats, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Avoid eating processed foods, refined sugar and fatty meats. Choose healthier alternatives to pastries, fried foods and high-calorie salad dressings. Use monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil and vegetable oils. Try eating small meals throughout the day to avoid binging or cravings. As an added incentive, give yourself one day a week that you can eat anything you want but keep to a diet the other days.
Refrain from smoking. Tobacco immediately raises blood pressure and damages the walls of the arteries. Buy nicotine patches for alleviating cravings.These release nicotine into the body over 24 hours. Choose from a variety of patches that release different amounts of nicotine, so you can slowly become less addicted. Reduce weight gain and anxiety associated with quitting smoking by exercising and finding relaxing activities.
Cut back on alcohol if you a frequent drinker. Alcohol causes damage to the heart, which elevates your risk of stroke or heart attack. According to Mayo Clinic at, having more then three drinks can temporarily raise blood pressure.
Find relaxing activities. High stress can lead to high blood pressure. Check out meditative classes or yoga. Give yourself some time each day to unwind. If you are going through any personal stress, start a journal to write down any problems. Spend time with friends and family members. Follow up on any past hobbies like painting, drawing, cooking or sports. Make your health one of your biggest priorities when treating high blood pressure at home.