How to Check Blood Pressure After Eating
Things You'll Need
- Blood pressure cuff
- Stethoscope
- Gauge
Sit quietly for five minutes. Relax and breathe normally. Uncross your feet and rest your back directly against the back of a chair.
Rest with your palm facing up. Place the arm at the level of the heart by resting it on a table or chair arm. Use a pillow or folded blanket to elevate the arm into the proper position.
Roll or push up any shirt sleeves; if sleeves become too tight when pushing them up remove the arm from the sleeve. The tightened sleeve may restrict blood flow and cause an inaccurate reading. Wrap the blood pressure cuff around the upper portion of the arm, slightly above the elbow.
Place the stethoscope ear buds into your ear. Tap the disk to ensure the stethoscope works. Place the disk onto the brachial artery, found on the inside portion of the elbow. Squeeze the blood pressure cuff's pump to inflate the cuff. Family Doctor, a medical and health website, suggest that you monitor the valve and inflate until the gauge reads 30 to 40 points higher than the last blood pressure reading. If your last reading is not available, inflate until the cuff is tight against the skin.
Slowly turn the knob near the pump to release the air in the blood pressure cuff. Listen for the first beat and immediately look at the gauge; this is the systolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure is recorded as the top number. Continue to listen; the beating sound will suddenly change or stop. The second number is recorded as the diastolic pressure, or the bottom number. Write down the measurement. Wait several minutes and then repeat the process to verify the reading is accurate.
Use an electronic blood pressure cuff for automatic readings. Wrap the cuff around the arm as described above. Press the "On" button. Watch the cuff inflate, and then slowly release the air. A reading will appear on the digital screen soon after the cuff deflates.
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