How to Plan a High Blood Pressure Diet
Increase your fruits and vegetables. Eat 2 - 2 1/2 cups of both fruits and vegetables daily. Pick leafy green vegetables such as broccoli which are high in antioxidants and blueberries.
Change to fat free or low fat dairy products. Consume 2-3 cups of dairy a day. Good sources would include milk, yogurt and low fat cheese.
Eat more high quality proteins. You should eat 6 or less ounces of high quality protein a day. Choose to eat chicken and turkey instead of fat saturated red meat. Eggs can also be a great source of protein.
Choose whole grains over processed foods. Eat 6-8 ounces a day of whole grain foods such as pasta, oats, cereal and breads. Make sure to check the nutritional label for sodium content.
Add nuts, beans and seeds to your diet 4-6 times a week. Eat foods like kidney beans, all natural peanut butter and seeds of various kinds. These are not only heart healthy foods but they can help to significantly lower your blood pressure.
Choose 2-3 teaspoons of healthier oils in your diet such as olive oil. Eat cholesterol lowering margarine spreads such as Smart Balance which are filled with Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for your heart.
Limit your sugar and alcohol intake as much as possible if you are trying to lower your blood pressure.
Monitor your progress. Purchase an at home blood pressure monitor and keep track of your daily blood pressure levels over a 6 week period. Report all findings to your doctor. This diet has been shown to work in as little as 14 days.