Accuretic Side Effects
Individuals who take this may feel like they have the flu since it can cause back pains, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, coughing and or a sore throat.
Typical allergic reactions to most medicines include swelling of body parts or difficulty breathing. If you have these symptoms, contact your physician for advice.
Accuretic has been known to cause liver and kidney damage. This should not be taken if you are pregnant as it will cause damage to the fetus including death.
Since this medicine is meant to lower blood pressure, you must tell your doctor if you take any non-prescription medicines like aspirin, Tylenol, Advil (ibuprofen) or herbal supplements.
Since side effects vary from user to user and vary in their consistency, you should call your doctor or seek medical attention if you experience any of the listed side effects that do not go away or increase in intensity.